Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hooray for Spring

While there are many things that I miss about Oregon, today is one of those days that I truly love living in Southern California. Instead of braving the last bits of winter, I am already enjoying the sunshine and warmth of Spring.

My chard (that I planted from seed two weeks ago) is sprouting nicely on the windowsill of my living room.

And the flowers are blooming on the bushes outside.

Which means that there are lots of flower blossoms to collect and start drying for inclusion in future pieces of jewelry. Confession: I don't have any sort of high-tech drying rack for all of these bits of nature that I collect. I just tape them upside down onto the wall in my studio. It makes for an interesting sort of design.

And some exciting news... my boyfriend and resident photographer extraordinaire taped a segment the other day for a local public access tv show... and, as part of the clip, they're going to air the multimedia piece he made about me and my work. Don't you just love cross-promotion?!

Here's to Spring!

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